
WildFly Admin Console in a Docker image

WildFly Docker image binds application port (8080) to all network interfaces (using -b If you want to view feature-rich lovely-looking web-based administration console, then management port (9990) needs to be bound to all network interfaces as well using the shown command:

docker run -P -d jboss/wildfly /opt/jboss/wildfly/bin/ -b -bmanagement

This is overriding the default command in Docker file, explicitly starting WildFly, and binding application and management port to all network interfaces.

The -P flag map any network ports inside the image it to a random high port from the range 49153 to 65535 on Docker host. Exact port can be verified by giving docker ps command as shown:

docker ps
f21dba8846bc jboss/wildfly:latest "/opt/jboss/wildfly/ 10 minutes ago Up 4 minutes>8080/tcp,>9990/tcp desperate_sammet

In this case, port 8080 is mapped to 49161 and port 9990 is mapped to 49162. IP address of Docker containers can be verified using boot2docker ip command. The default web page and admin console can then be accessed on these ports.

Accessing WildFly Administration Console require a user in administration realm. This can be done by using an image which will create that user. And since a new image is created, the Dockerfile can also consume network interface binding to keep the actual command-line simple. The Dockerfile is pretty straight forward:

FROM jboss/wildfly:latest
RUN /opt/jboss/wildfly/bin/ admin Admin#007 --silent
CMD ["/opt/jboss/wildfly/bin/", "-b", "", "-bmanagement", ""]

This image has already been pushed to Docker Hub and source file is at So to have a WildFly image with Administration Console, just run the image as shown:

docker run -P -d arungupta/wildfly-admin
Unable to find image 'arungupta/wildfly-admin' locally
Pulling repository arungupta/wildfly-admin
db43099acb0f: Download complete
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Status: Downloaded newer image for arungupta/wildfly-admin:latest

Then checked the mapped ports as:

docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                            COMMAND                CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                              NAMES
b668945fec00        arungupta/wildfly-admin:latest   "/opt/jboss/wildfly/   5 minutes ago       Up 8 seconds>8080/tcp,>9990/tcp   mad_einstein

Application port is mapped to 49165 and management port is mapped to 49166. Access the admin console at which will then prompt for the username (“admin”) and the password (“Admin#007″).


If you don’t like random ports being assigned by Docker, then you can map them to specific ports as well using the following command:

docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 9990:9990 -d arungupta/wildfly-admin

In this case, application port 8080 is mapped to 8080 on Docker host and management port 9990 is mapped to 9990 on Docker host. So the admin console will then be accessible at

Reference: WildFly Admin Console in a Docker image from our JCG partner Arun Gupta at the Miles to go 2.0 … blog.

Arun Gupta

Arun is a technology enthusiast, avid runner, author of a best-selling book, globe trotter, a community guy, Java Champion, JavaOne Rockstar, JUG Leader, Minecraft Modder, Devoxx4Kids-er, and a Red Hatter.
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