MongoDB MapReduce Tutorial
This article is part of our Academy Course titled MongoDB – A Scalable NoSQL DB.
In this course, you will get introduced to MongoDB. You will learn how to install it and how to operate it via its shell. Moreover, you will learn how to programmatically access it via Java and how to leverage Map Reduce with it. Finally, more advanced concepts like sharding and replication will be explained. Check it out here!
Table Of Contents
1. Introduction
The Map/Reduce paradigm, firstly popularized by Google (for the curious readers, here is a link to original paper), has gotten a lot of traction these days, mostly because of the Big Data movement. Many NoSQL solutions aim to support integration with Map/Reduce frameworks but MongoDB goes further than that and provides its own Map/Reduce implementation integrated into the MongoDB server, available for everyone to consume.
2. Map/Reduce At a Glance
Map/Reduce is a framework which allows to parallelize the processing of large and very large datasets across many physical or virtual servers. A typical Map/Reduce program consists of two phases:
- map phase: filter / transform / convert data
- reduce phase: perform aggregations over the data
In some extent, the map and reduce phases were inspired by map and reduce, the high-order functions widely used and well known in the functional programming world. As the name Map/Reduce implies, the map job is always performed before the reduce job. Please note that the modern approaches to data processing are more sophisticated than the one described before, but the principles remain the same.
From an implementation prospective, most Map/Reduce frameworks operate on tuples. The map implementation accepts some set of data and transforms it into another set of data, typically tuples (key/value pairs). Consequently, the reduce implementation accepts the output from a map implementation as its input and combines (reduces) those tuples into a smaller (aggregated) set of tuples, which eventually becomes a final result.
Let us look back on bookstore example we have seen in Part 3. MongoDB and Java Tutorial and try to apply the Map/Reduce paradigm to it in order to get aggregated results on how many books each author has published. The map function just iterates over the authors property of each document and for each author emits (very common term referring to generation of the new output) the key/value tuple (author, 1).
function map(document): for each author in document.authors: emit( author, 1 )
The reduce function accepts the key and collection of values (taken from tuples), aggregates them and emits (again, new output) new tuples where each author has the total number of books he has published.
function reduce(author, values): sum = 0 for each value in values: sum += value emit( author, sum )
It looks quite simple and may not seem to bring a lot of value. But simplicity here is a key which allows to split the large problem into smaller parts and to distribute computation across hundreds or thousands of servers (nodes): massively parallel data processing.
3. Map/Reduce in MongoDB
MongoDB provides the single command mapReduce (and respective MongoDB shell wrapper db.<collection>.mapReduce()
) to run Map/Reduce aggregations across collection of documents. The command accpets a plenty of different parameters and in this section we are going to walk through all of them.
The mapReduce command operates on single input collection (which may be sharded) and may produce the single output collection, which also may be sharded. Before feeding the data into the map function, the command allows to perform any arbitrary sorting and limiting of input collection.
The map and reduce functions in MongoDB are JavaScript functions and run within the MongoDB server process. The map function takes the documents of a single collection as the input and applies custom JavaScript functions to emit new output.
When a mapReduce command is run in a way that it is using sharded collection (please refer to Part 4. MongoDB Sharding Guide for more details) as the input, mongos process will automatically dispatch the map/reduce command to each shard in parallel and will wait for jobs on all shards to finish. Consequently, if the mapReduce command is run in a way that it is using sharded collections as an output, MongoDB shards the output collection using the _id field as the shard key.
3.1. Dataset
We are going to adapt the bookstore example from Part 4. MongoDB Sharding Guide to illustrate different map/reduce scenarios using the books collection.
db.books.insert( { "title" : "MongoDB: The Definitive Guide", "published" : "2013-05-23", "authors": [ { "firstName" : "Kristina", "lastName" : "Chodorow" } ], "categories" : [ "Databases", "NoSQL", "Programming" ], "publisher" : { "name" : "O'Reilly" }, "price" : 32.99 } )
db.books.insert( { "title" : "MongoDB Applied Design Patterns", "published" : "2013-03-19", "authors": [ { "firstName" : "Rick", "lastName" : "Copeland" } ], "categories" : [ "Databases", "NoSQL", "Patterns", "Programming" ], "publisher" : { "name" : "O'Reilly" }, "price" : 32.99 } )
db.books.insert( { "title" : "MongoDB in Action", "published" : "2011-12-16", "authors": [ { "firstName" : "Kyle", "lastName" : "Banker" } ], "categories" : [ "Databases", "NoSQL", "Programming" ], "publisher" : { "name" : "Manning" }, "price" : 30.83 } )
db.books.insert( { "title" : "NoSQL Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Emerging World of Polyglot Persistence", "published" : "2012-08-18", "authors": [ { "firstName" : "Pramod J.", "lastName" : "Sadalage" }, { "firstName" : "Martin", "lastName" : "Fowler" } ], "categories" : [ "Databases", "NoSQL" ], "publisher" : { "name" : "Addison Wesley" }, "price" : 26.36 } )
db.books.insert( { "title" : "Scaling MongoDB", "published" : "2011-03-07", "authors": [ { "firstName" : "Kristina", "lastName" : "Chodorow" } ], "categories" : [ "Databases", "NoSQL" ], "publisher" : { "name" : "O'Reilly" }, "price" : 25.30 } )
db.books.insert( { "title" : "50 Tips and Tricks for MongoDB Developers", "published" : "2011-05-06", "authors": [ { "firstName" : "Kristina", "lastName" : "Chodorow" } ], "categories" : [ "Databases", "NoSQL", "Programming" ], "publisher" : { "name" : "O'Reilly" }, "price" : 25.08 } )
db.books.insert( { "title" : "MongoDB in Action, 2nd Edition", "published" : "2014-12-01", "authors": [ { "firstName" : "Kyle", "lastName" : "Banker" }, { "firstName" : "Peter", "lastName" : "Bakkum" }, { "firstName" : "Tim", "lastName" : "Hawkins" } ], "categories" : [ "Databases", "NoSQL", "Programming" ], "publisher" : { "name" : "Manning" }, "price" : 26.66 } )
db.books.insert( { "title" : "Node.js, MongoDB, and AngularJS Web Development", "published" : "2014-04-04", "authors": [ { "firstName" : "Brad", "lastName" : "Dayley" } ], "categories" : [ "Databases", "NoSQL", "Programming", "Web" ], "publisher" : { "name" : "Addison Wesley" }, "price" : 34.35 } )
Once the books collection is filled with those documents (the best way to do that is using MongoDB shell), we are ready to start playing with map/reduce by examples.
3.2. Example: Count books by author
Let us start with the simplest scenario and run MongoDB map/reduce command to complete the example we have looked at in Map/Reduce At a Glance section: count books by author.
db.runCommand( { mapReduce: "books", map: function() { for (var index = 0; index < this.authors.length; ++index) { var author = this.authors[ index ]; emit( author.firstName + " " + author.lastName, 1 ); } }, reduce: function(author, counters) { count = 0; for (var index = 0; index < counters.length; ++index) { count += counters[index]; } return count; }, out: { inline: 1 } } )
If we run this command in MongoDB shell, the following document will be returned as the result of map/reduce command:
{ "results" : [ { "_id" : "Brad Dayley", "value" : 1 }, { "_id" : "Kristina Chodorow", "value" : 3 }, { "_id" : "Kyle Banker", "value" : 2 }, { "_id" : "Martin Fowler", "value" : 1 }, { "_id" : "Peter Bakkum", "value" : 1 }, { "_id" : "Pramod J. Sadalage", "value" : 1 }, { "_id" : "Rick Copeland", "value" : 1 }, { "_id" : "Tim Hawkins", "value" : 1 } ], "timeMillis" : 1, "counts" : { "input" : 8, "emit" : 11, "reduce" : 2, "output" : 8 }, "ok" : 1 }
Quite clear output and as we can see each author is accompanied by the total number of his books from the input collection.
3.3. Example: Count average book price by publisher
The next example we are going to look at is a bit more complicated and introduces three new elements for the map/reduce command: finalize, scope and output to collection with name results. We are going to count average book price per publisher using a particular currency (f.e. US dollar).
db.runCommand( { mapReduce: "books", scope: { currency: "US" }, map: function() { emit( this.publisher, { count: 1, price: this.price } ); }, reduce: function(publisher, values) { var value = { count: 0, price: 0 }; for (var index = 0; index < values.length; ++index) { value.count += values[index].count; value.price += values[index].price; } return value; }, finalize: function(publisher, value) { value.average = currency + ( value.price / value.count ).toFixed(2); return value; }, out: { replace: "results" } } )
In this example, the scope document introduces a global variable currency to the context of the map/reduce operation (map, reduce and finalize functions). As you might already have figured out, the average price could be computed only when all the documents have been processed and that is why the finalize function is being introduced: it is called once all map and reduce steps are over. The final output of the map/reduce operation will be stored in the results collection (bookstore database). If we run this command in MongoDB shell, the following document will be returned as the result:
{ "result" : "results", "timeMillis" : 50, "counts" : { "input" : 8, "emit" : 8, "reduce" : 3, "output" : 3 }, "ok" : 1 }
And the results collection holds following documents (which could be retrieved by running command wrapper db.results.find().pretty()
in the MongoDB shell):
{ "_id" : { "name" : "Addison Wesley" }, "value" : { "count" : 2, "price" : 60.71, "average" : "US30.36" } } { "_id" : { "name" : "Manning" }, "value" : { "count" : 2, "price" : 57.489999999999995, "average" : "US28.74" } } { "_id" : { "name" : "O'Reilly" }, "value" : { "count" : 4, "price" : 116.36, "average" : "US29.09" } }
3.4. Example: Incrementally count average book price by publisher
This last example is going to demonstrate the incremental nature of the map/reduce implementation in MongoDB. Let us assume that since we have counted average book price by publisher, there are two new books added into collection.
db.books.insert( { "title" : "MongoDB and Python: Patterns and processes for the popular document-oriented database", "published" : "2011-09-30", "authors": [ { "firstName" : " Niall", "lastName" : "O'Higgins" } ], "categories" : [ "Databases", "NoSQL", "Programming" ], "publisher" : { "name" : "O'Reilly" }, "price" : 18.06 } )
db.books.insert( { "title" : " Node.js in Action", "published" : "2013-11-28", "authors": [ { "firstName" : " Mike", "lastName" : "Cantelon" } ], "categories" : [ "Databases", "NoSQL", "Programming", "Web" ], "publisher" : { "name" : "Manning" }, "price" : 26.09 } )
Now, we have a couple of choices here in order to get the updated average book price by publisher: we may rerun the map/reduce command again across all the documents in the collection or perform an incremental update of the existing results with new documents only. The latter will be the objective of this example. The map, reduce and finalize functions are the same as for a previous example. The two new parameters we are going to add are limit and query to filter out those two new books only, plus the output collection is going to be merged using the reduce operation (out parameter).
db.runCommand( { mapReduce: "books", scope: { currency: "US" }, map: function() { emit( this.publisher, { count: 1, price: this.price } ); }, reduce: function(publisher, values) { var value = { count: 0, price: 0 }; for (var index = 0; index < values.length; ++index) { value.count += values[index].count; value.price += values[index].price; } return value; }, finalize: function(publisher, value) { value.average = currency + ( value.price / value.count ).toFixed(2); return value; }, query: { "authors.lastName": { $in: [ "Cantelon", "O'Higgins" ] } }, limit: 2, out: { reduce: "results" } } )
The query filter includes only the books published by two new authors. For the demonstration purposes, the limit is also set to 2 but it is not very useful as we know for sure that only two new books have been added. If we run this command in MongoDB shell, the following document will be returned as the result:
{ "result" : "results", "timeMillis" : 4, "counts" : { "input" : 2, "emit" : 2, "reduce" : 0, "output" : 3 }, "ok" : 1 }
Please notice that the reduce function has not been called at all because each key (publisher) contains just a single value (please refer to Map/Reduce in MongoDB section for these subtle details).
And here are the documents in the results collection (please compare them with the documents from Example: Count average book price by publisher section):
{ "_id" : { "name" : "Addison Wesley" }, "value" : { "count" : 2, "price" : 60.71, "average" : "US30.36" } } { "_id" : { "name" : "Manning" }, "value" : { "count" : 3, "price" : 83.58, "average" : "US27.86" } } { "_id" : { "name" : "O'Reilly" }, "value" : { "count" : 5, "price" : 134.42, "average" : "US26.88" } }
As we can see, the existing results collection has been updated incrementally using a proper merging algorithm.
4. What’s next
This part of the tutorial concludes the basic but still detailed enough overview of MongoDB document database features. In the last part of the course we are going to look deeper under the cover and hopefully reveal some interesting details about MongoDB internals and advanced concepts.
You never explain what reeduce: “results” does? Where did it get the previous resulr from in order to update them? You glance over the most important details…
Hi veggen,
My apologies if I did not make it clear. As Picture 1 shows, the input for reduce function is always the output from the map functions. If I understood your question correctly, you meant this option:
out: {
reduce: “results”
Which just indicates the existing collection to be merged with the results of current map/reduce aggregation. It is all under **out** parameter description. Please let me know if you have more questions or something is still not very clear.
Thank you.
Best Regards,
Andriy Redko
Thank you so much!!!You made it so easy to understand