Enterprise Java
Spring, Quartz and JavaMail Integration Tutorial
Quartz is a job scheduling framework which is used to schedule the jobs to be executed on the specified time schedule.JavaMail is an API to send/recieve emails from Java Applications.
Spring has integration points to integrate Quartz and JavaMail which makes easy to use those APIs. Lets create a small demo application to show how to integrate Spring + Quartz + JavaMail.
Our application is to send birthday wishes emails to friends everyday at 6 AM.
package com.sivalabs.reminders; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class Email { private String from; private String[] to; private String[] cc; private String[] bcc; private String subject; private String text; private String mimeType; private List<Attachment> attachments = new ArrayList<Attachment>(); public String getFrom() { return from; } public void setFrom(String from) { this.from = from; } public String[] getTo() { return to; } public void setTo(String... to) { this.to = to; } public String[] getCc() { return cc; } public void setCc(String... cc) { this.cc = cc; } public String[] getBcc() { return bcc; } public void setBcc(String... bcc) { this.bcc = bcc; } public String getSubject() { return subject; } public void setSubject(String subject) { this.subject = subject; } public String getText() { return text; } public void setText(String text) { this.text = text; } public String getMimeType() { return mimeType; } public void setMimeType(String mimeType) { this.mimeType = mimeType; } public List<Attachment> getAttachments() { return attachments; } public void addAttachments(List<Attachment> attachments) { this.attachments.addAll(attachments); } public void addAttachment(Attachment attachment) { this.attachments.add(attachment); } public void removeAttachment(int index) { this.attachments.remove(index); } public void removeAllAttachments() { this.attachments.clear(); } }
package com.sivalabs.reminders; public class Attachment { private byte[] data; private String filename; private String mimeType; private boolean inline; public Attachment() { } public Attachment(byte[] data, String filename, String mimeType) { this.data = data; this.filename = filename; this.mimeType = mimeType; } public Attachment(byte[] data, String filename, String mimeType, boolean inline) { this.data = data; this.filename = filename; this.mimeType = mimeType; this.inline = inline; } public byte[] getData() { return data; } public void setData(byte[] data) { this.data = data; } public String getFilename() { return filename; } public void setFilename(String filename) { this.filename = filename; } public String getMimeType() { return mimeType; } public void setMimeType(String mimeType) { this.mimeType = mimeType; } public boolean isInline() { return inline; } public void setInline(boolean inline) { this.inline = inline; } }
package com.sivalabs.reminders; import java.util.List; import javax.activation.DataSource; import javax.mail.MessagingException; import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage; import javax.mail.util.ByteArrayDataSource; import org.springframework.mail.javamail.JavaMailSenderImpl; import org.springframework.mail.javamail.MimeMessageHelper; public class EmailService { private JavaMailSenderImpl mailSender = null; public void setMailSender(JavaMailSenderImpl mailSender) { this.mailSender = mailSender; } public void sendEmail(Email email) throws MessagingException { MimeMessage mimeMessage = mailSender.createMimeMessage(); // use the true flag to indicate you need a multipart message boolean hasAttachments = (email.getAttachments()!=null && email.getAttachments().size() > 0 ); MimeMessageHelper helper = new MimeMessageHelper(mimeMessage, hasAttachments); helper.setTo(email.getTo()); helper.setFrom(email.getFrom()); helper.setSubject(email.getSubject()); helper.setText(email.getText(), true); List<Attachment> attachments = email.getAttachments(); if(attachments != null && attachments.size() > 0) { for (Attachment attachment : attachments) { String filename = attachment.getFilename() ; DataSource dataSource = new ByteArrayDataSource(attachment.getData(), attachment.getMimeType()); if(attachment.isInline()) { helper.addInline(filename, dataSource); }else{ helper.addAttachment(filename, dataSource); } } } mailSender.send(mimeMessage); } }
package com.sivalabs.reminders; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import javax.mail.MessagingException; import org.quartz.JobExecutionContext; import org.quartz.JobExecutionException; import org.springframework.core.io.ClassPathResource; import org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.QuartzJobBean; public class BirthdayWisherJob extends QuartzJobBean { private EmailService emailService; public void setEmailService(EmailService emailService) { this.emailService = emailService; } @Override protected void executeInternal(JobExecutionContext context) throws JobExecutionException { System.out.println("Sending Birthday Wishes... "); List<User> usersBornToday = getUsersBornToday(); for (User user : usersBornToday) { try { Email email = new Email(); email.setFrom("admin@sivalabs.com"); email.setSubject("Happy BirthDay"); email.setTo(user.getEmail()); email.setText("<h1>Dear "+user.getName()+ ",Many Many Happy Returns of the day :-)</h1>"); byte[] data = null; ClassPathResource img = new ClassPathResource("HBD.gif"); InputStream inputStream = img.getInputStream(); data = new byte[inputStream.available()]; while((inputStream.read(data)!=-1)); Attachment attachment = new Attachment(data, "HappyBirthDay", "image/gif", true); email.addAttachment(attachment); emailService.sendEmail(email); } catch (MessagingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private List<User> getUsersBornToday() { List<User> users = new ArrayList<User>(); User user1 = new User("Siva Prasad", "sivaprasadreddy.k@gmail.com", new Date()); users.add(user1); User user2 = new User("John", "abcd@gmail.com", new Date()); users.add(user2); return users; } }
<beans> <bean class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SchedulerFactoryBean"> <property name="triggers"> <list> <ref bean="birthdayWisherCronTrigger" /> </list> </property> </bean> <bean id="birthdayWisherCronTrigger" class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.CronTriggerBean"> <property name="jobDetail" ref="birthdayWisherJob" /> <!-- run every morning at 6 AM --> <property name="cronExpression" value="0/5 * * * * ?" /> </bean> <bean name="birthdayWisherJob" class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.JobDetailBean"> <property name="jobClass" value="com.sivalabs.reminders.BirthdayWisherJob" /> <property name="jobDataAsMap"> <map> <entry key="emailService" value-ref="emailService"></entry> </map> </property> </bean> <bean id="emailService" class="com.sivalabs.reminders.EmailService"> <property name="mailSender" ref="mailSender"></property> </bean> <bean id="mailSender" class="org.springframework.mail.javamail.JavaMailSenderImpl"> <property name="defaultEncoding" value="UTF-8"/> <property name="host" value="smtp.gmail.com" /> <property name="port" value="465" /> <property name="protocol" value="smtps" /> <property name="username" value="admin@gmail.com"/> <property name="password" value="*****"/> <property name="javaMailProperties"> <props> <prop key="mail.smtps.auth">true</prop> <prop key="mail.smtps.starttls.enable">true</prop> <prop key="mail.smtps.debug">true</prop> </props> </property> </bean> </beans>
package com.sivalabs.reminders; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext; public class TestClient { public static void main(String[] args) { ApplicationContext ctx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("applicationContext.xml"); } }
Reference: Spring + Quartz + JavaMail Integration Tutorial from our JCG partner Siva at the My Experiments on Technology blog.
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Hi Siva,
thanks for the post, would you include the project source so that it would be easy for us to run the projects.