Enterprise Java

So you want to do microservices? please watch Microservices for Mortals

So many valid points from Bert Ertman in this presentation around Microservices. Are you considering following this path in your project, in your team or your company? Please grab a coffee, a note pad (if you like hand written notes) and watch this. It is really a pain, waste of energy and very discouraging to see many companies and teams, failing miserably either because they do not educate themselves on what really means ‘doing microservices’ or by just thinking that using a specific tool suddenly you moved into this new ear. As I have elaborated in the recent past and is also a comment in the presentation – by using Docker, Kubernetes, Neftlix libs etc you are not doing microservices.  It is a far more complex process, that needs organizational and team changes. It requires certain level of understanding from the management and architectural point of view. You need to invest money and time and of course there will be some risk involved as well!

Enjoy this really great presentation!

Microservices for Mortals – Bert Ertman from JavaZone on Vimeo.

Paris Apostolopoulos

Paris is a senior software engineer focusing on J2EE development, loves Business process modelling and is keen on software quality challenges. He is passionate about Java and Java communities. He is a co-founder and administrator of the first Java User Group in greece(JHUG.gr) and occasional speaker on meet-ups and seminars and regular blogger. For his contributions and involvement on the Java community he has been awarded the title of Java Champion in 2007 by Sun Microsystems.
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