Enterprise Java

More Java EE from Red Hat Engineers at Devoxx

redhat_game_changing_devopsIt is Devoxx Belgium time! Finally. Everything kicks off today with the University Sessions and the conference itself starts tomorrow morning. We’re all pretty excited, as this is the major event in Europe. And Red Hat is proud to be a sponsor again this year. We will be onsite with 14 sessions, a booth – with beer, books and more. Visit the Red Hat booth to see OpenShift by Red Hat in action,join the new Red Hat Developers program , get your complimentary copy of my new book – Modern JavaEE Design Patterns (while supplies last), and learn how you can get involved with Red Hat.

Did I mention we will have free beer on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 17:00?

Meet our engineers and talk to us about our products or community projects.

Java EE With Red Hat At Devoxx

One thing I want to highlight in particular are the Java EE sessions and activities by our engineers. We will have five sessions about Java EE and OpenShift (including Docker and Kubernetes) and I highly encourage you to also look at all the other Java EE related activities which have been posted on the Aquarium Blog.

Monday at 17:25 – 17:55 – Room 4

Roland Huß (@ro14nd) will be talking about “Fabric8 – Java developer tools for Kubernetes and OpenShift”. This talk gives you an overview about the various components and introduces you to the contained tools which will make your life as a Java developer a lot easier.

Monday at 18:05 – 18:35 – Room 5

Xavier Coulon (@xcoulon) talks about “Docker Tooling for Java EE Developers”. In this talk you will get a quick introduction on how to use Docker effectively, especially for Java EE development.

Wednesday at 21:00 – 22:00 – Room BOF1

Dimitris Andreadis (@dandreadis ) will lead the “WildFly Community BOF and V10 update” which is the place to be, where the developer community meets to discuss (over beer!) the present and future of the WildFly Application Server Project (formerly known as the JBoss Application Server) with members of the WildFly Core Development Team.

Thursday at 14:00 – 15:00 – Room 8

Antoine Sabot-Duran (@antoine_sd) talks about “CDI 2.0” The work on JSR 365 (Context and Dependency Injection for Java) started one year ago. Expert group already added interesting features like asynchronous events or Java SE bootstrap. Thanks to early draft and alpha version of CDI 2.0 implementation we can already experiment the future CDI 2.0. In this talk we will show the top new features in CDI 2.0 thru code examples (when possible) and presents expert group serious leads for the end of this first totally open source Java EE specification.

Thursday at 13:25 – 13:30 – Room BOF 1

Jorge Morales Pou is one of the OpenShift evangelists and gives an ignite talk titled “Please Fail”.

Wednesday at 12:00 – 13:00 – Room 4

And last but not least, there is another interesting talk about Open Source and how to contribute. Charles Nutter (@headius) will give you a great overview about how to get started and learn about the inner workings of real OSS projects, and learn how to be a better OSS user and producer.

Markus Eisele

Markus is a Developer Advocate at Red Hat and focuses on JBoss Middleware. He is working with Java EE servers from different vendors since more than 14 years and talks about his favorite topics around Java EE on conferences all over the world. He has been a principle consultant and worked with different customers on all kinds of Java EE related applications and solutions. Beside that he has always been a prolific blogger, writer and tech editor for different Java EE related books. He is an active member of the German DOAG e.V. and it's representative on the iJUG e.V. As a Java Champion and former ACE Director he is well known in the community. Follow him on Twitter @myfear.
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