Software Development

Try and Catch in Golang

Golang as opposed to Java does not have exceptions, try/catch/finally blocks. It has strict error handling, functions called panic and recover and a statement named defer. It is a totally different approach. Is it better or is the Java approach the superior? (Sorry that I keep comparing it to Java. I am coming from Java world.)

When we handle exceptional cases in Java we enclose the commands into a ‘try’ block denoting that something may happen that we want to handle later in a ‘catch’ block. Then we have the ‘finally’ block that contains all the things that are to be executed no matter what. The problem with this approach is that it separates the commands that belong to the same concern. We want to deal with some file. So we open a file and later, no matter what, we want to close it. When the programmer writes the finally block the file opening is far away somewhere at the start of the method. To remember all the things that we have to do to clean up the actions at the start of the method you have to scroll up to the start of the method where the ‘try’ block starts.

Okay! I know that your method is too long if you have to scroll back. Your methods follow clean code principles and are not longer than ten lines each including JavaDoc. Even though the issue is still there. It is formulated according to order the execution is expected and not according to the order the logic dictates. The logic says the following: if I open a file, I will want to close it. If I allocate some resource I will want to release it. It is better keeping the concerns together. We are not programing in assembly where you write the mnemonics in the strict order of execution. We define the algorithmic solution in a high level language and the compiler will generate the assembly. Real work has to be done by the brain, mechanical work is for the CPU. These days we have CPUs.

Golang has the command ‘defer’ for the purpose. You open a file and you mention on the next line that you will want it to be closed some time calling the function you provide. This is the much better approach, which the developers of the Java language also know hence introducing the interface ‘closeable’ and try-with-resources statement.

Still programmers coming from the Java world begin introduced to Go are longing for exception handling. If you really want you can mimic it in Go. It will not be the same and I do not really get the point why to ruin something that is good to something old and mediocre, but you can write

		Try: func() {
			fmt.Println("I tried")
		Catch: func(e Exception) {
			fmt.Printf("Caught %v\n", e)
		Finally: func() {

Homework: find out the sample code that is before these lines (Go constructs) that make this possible. Solution is here:

package main

import (

type Block struct {
	Try     func()
	Catch   func(Exception)
	Finally func()

type Exception interface{}

func Throw(up Exception) {

func (tcf Block) Do() {
	if tcf.Finally != nil {

		defer tcf.Finally()
	if tcf.Catch != nil {
		defer func() {
			if r := recover(); r != nil {

func main() {
	fmt.Println("We started")
		Try: func() {
			fmt.Println("I tried")
		Catch: func(e Exception) {
			fmt.Printf("Caught %v\n", e)
		Finally: func() {
	fmt.Println("We went on")

See also a recent similar solution at from Tim Henderson

Reference: Try and Catch in Golang from our JCG partner Peter Verhas at the Java Deep blog.
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