Core Java

Profiling in Production

Profiling in Production

If you ever had some serious issues with a performance of your Java application, most probably you know how valuable thread profiling can be. But do you know which profiler you should use?

There are two basic techniques used by profilers – sampling and instrumentation.

Sampling Profilers

A sampling profiler involves periodically asking the JVM for the current point of execution of all currently alive threads. This type of profiler carries the least amount of overhead. This is important because introducing heavy measurement into the application can change the performance characteristics significantly. Using a sampling technique, we get a snapshot of the next stack trace when the timer fires. So the profiler looks at each thread and determines which method the thread is executing at that moment. As there are gaps between consecutive measurements, sampling profiler achieves a trade-off between the level of accuracy obtained vs the overhead involved in actually taking the measurement, This is illustrated in the following figure:

As you can see, the thread spent most of its time in save method and a little bit in read method. If the sampling happens only when the thread is in a save method (more probable as this method dominates), the profiler will report that the thread spent 100% of its time in save method, which is of course not accurate.

A rather logical way to minimize this sampling error is to reduce the time interval between sampling and increase the profiling time. However, as we discussed earlier, this solution might impact the performance characteristics of the application, so a balance is the key.

Instrumented Profilers

Instrumented profilers introduce a much larger performance overhead into the application. This method usually involves injecting bytecode into the classes for the purpose of profiling. This approach involves a higher performance impact, but generates a more accurate measurement when compared to the result from the sampling profiler. Another problem which may arise as a result of the way an instrumented profiler modifies the bytecode is the following; as you may know, JIT compiler inlines small methods. Because the instrumentation introduced by the profiler, some small methods might not be eligible to be inlined anymore. It can have a serious impact on application performance. If you decide to use instrumented profilers, make sure that you instrument only small section of the code.

Production Profilers

Profiling in a development environment is easy. However, it might not be enough. When dealing with production data, we are exposed to a different scale and thus, we might observe different bottlenecks in our application. That’s why profiling in production is so important. As discussed earlier, both sampling and instrumented profilers have their pros and cons. If you want to profile in a production environment, a low overhead sampling profiler seems to be a better choice. There are many sampling profilers available such as async-profiler, JProfiler, YourKit, VisualVM Profiler and FusionReactor’s Production Code Profiler. The really cool thing about FusionReactor’s profiler is that it can be configured in a way that it will automatically profile your application if it detects a long-running request or thread. What is a long-running request? It’s up to you to define, but 3 seconds is the default value. If you monitor some sort of latency-sensitive application, then you might want to decrease this value. Similarly, if your application performs some time-consuming computations, then most probably you don’t want to be notified all the time and increasing Minimum Transaction Time will be necessary.

It’s not always easy to pinpoint a performance issue in a running application, but profilers are usually a good place to start.

Published on Java Code Geeks with permission by Grzegorz Mirek, partner at our JCG program. See the original article here: Profiling in Production

Opinions expressed by Java Code Geeks contributors are their own.

Grzegorz Mirek

Grzegorz is a software developer from Cracow, Poland. He started his adventure with Java roughly 6 years ago when he was at university and since that time, he keeps expanding his knowledge in this field. He is especially interested in JVM performance and optimisations and this is what he mostly blogs about.
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