Enterprise Java

[FREE EBOOK] Complete Guide to Java APM Tools

Java APM ToolsApplication Performance Management Tools – The Complete Guide

Performance issues and slowdowns in production aren’t just an inconvenience, they’re a hazard to the health of your business. That’s why APM tools are more than a simple luxury. There are dozens of tools on the market, meaning you have plenty of options to choose from.

But how can you be sure a certain APM tool is the right one for your production environment? We’ve combined everything there is to know about these tools, big and small, into this ebook to answer that exact question.

What’s Inside:

  • For Enterprises: AppDynamics vs Dynatrace
    In this chapter we’ll go through a practical comparison between AppDynamics and Dynatrace.
  • Everyone’s Talking About New Relic
    When thinking about performance, New Relic is one of the main modern tools that come to mind. In this chapter we’ll see what New Relic has to offer, and how does it fit your application needs.
  • 5 Open Source Tools You Should Know
    In this chapter we’ll look at APM tools from a different angle: Open Source tools, how they differ from the big names and what do they have to offer.

The full guide is now available for download, check it out.

Tali Soroker

Tali studied theoretical mathematics at Northeastern University and loves to explore the intersection of numbers and the human condition. In her free time, she enjoys drawing and spending time with animals.
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