Enterprise Java
Creating DataTable From RSS Feed And YQL
- Yahoo Query Language(YQL ) is a query language like SQL.
- Using YQL we can query, filter, and join data across Web services.
- YQL can also read RSS feed too.
- The Response can be JSON or XML.
- Yahoo provides a YQL console for debugging , testing and diagnostics the YQL statements.
- The Link for YQL CONSOLE is http://developer.yahoo.com/yql/console/
- This Demo shows:
- Reading my blog RSS Feed ( http://www.tutorialsavvy.com/feeds/posts/default) using YQL.
- Getting the feed in JSON format.
- Displaying the Data in YUI3 Data table.
- The Project structure
- This Demo uses the following yui3 modules ‘node‘, ‘yql‘, ‘datatable‘, ‘datatable-scroll‘, ‘datatype-date‘.
- The YQL statement used is : select title, pubDate, link from rss where url=’http://www.tutorialsavvy.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss&format=json&diagnostics=true’
- The YQL Console output is :
- The HTML markup for the YQL demo script yql-demo.html
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>YQL Query Reading RSS Feed Demo</title> <script src='http://yui.yahooapis.com/3.8.1/build/yui/yui-min.js'></script> <style> .response-status { font-weight: bold; color:grey; list-style: none; } .response-text { font-size:16px; color : orange; } #yui-blogger-rss-feed-table { width:650px; } .yui3-skin-sam #yui-blogger-rss-feed-table .yui3-datatable-cell { font-size:11px; } .blogger-post-title { color: Green; font-style: italic; font-weight: bold; } .blogger-post-link { text-decoration: none; font-style: italic; font-weight:bold; } .blogger-post-link:hover { color:orange; text-decoration: underline; font-weight:bold; } </style> </head> <body class='yui3-skin-sam'> <!-- This DIV Element is for displaying posts from the YQL QUERY RESPONSE(JSON) details in YUI3 DATATABLE --> <div id='yui-blogger-rss-feed-table'></div> <!-- This UL Element is for displaying post count, created date, language --> <ul class='response-status'></ul> <script> YUI().use('node', 'yql', 'datatable', 'datatable-scroll', 'datatype-date', function (Y) { var resultItems, results, postTable, /*This YQL query is for my Blogger's RSS feed.*/ yqlRssUrl = 'select title, pubDate, link from rss where ' + 'url='http://www.tutorialsavvy.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss&format=json&diagnostics=true'', responseStatus = Y.one('.response-status'), rssYqlFeedTable = Y.one('#yui-blogger-rss-feed-table'), /*HTML template for LINK of the post*/ formatLink = '<td class='yui3-datatable-cell'><a class='blogger-post-link' href='{content}'>{content}</a></td>', /*HTML template for TITLE of the post*/ formatTitle = '<td class='yui3-datatable-cell blogger-post-title'>{content}</td>', /*Formatter function for formatting a date, pubDate*/ formatPubDate = function (o) { return Y.DataType.Date.format(Y.DataType.Date.parse(o.value), { format: '%Y-%m-%d' }); } /* This will return 25 results As Blogger return 25 posts by DEFAULT. * This can be changed to some other number using * LIMIT parameter. */ Y.YQL(yqlRssUrl, function (feed) { results = feed.query; resultItems = feed.query.results.item; responseStatus.appendChild('<li> Count of Posts (in response) : <span class='response-text'>' + results.count + '</span></li>'); responseStatus.appendChild('<li>Created Date : <span class='response-text'>' + results.created + '</span></li>'); responseStatus.appendChild('<li>Post Language : <span class='response-text'>' + results.lang + '</span></li>'); postTable = new Y.DataTable({ columns: [{ key: 'title', label: 'POST TITLE', cellTemplate: formatTitle }, { key: 'pubDate', label: 'PUBLICATION DATE', formatter: formatPubDate }, { key: 'link', label: 'POST LINK', cellTemplate: formatLink }], data: resultItems, scrollable: 'y', height: '250px', caption: '[ YQL READING RSS FEED FROM TUTORIAL SAVVY(http://www.tutorialsavvy.com/feeds/posts/default)' + 'AND DISPLAYING IN DATATABLE]' }).render(rssYqlFeedTable); }) }); </script> </body> </html>
Output (screenshot):
Demo Code Download:
Reference: Creating DataTable From RSS Feed And YQL from our JCG partner Sandeep Kumar Patel at the My Small Tutorials blog.