Core Java

AccessFlag for Modifiers in Java Reflection

Java Reflection is a powerful feature that allows developers to inspect and manipulate classes, methods, and fields at runtime. One of the key aspects of Reflection is the ability to access and interpret the modifiers of classes and their members. In this context, AccessFlag plays a crucial role in identifying the accessibility and properties of these elements. Let us delve into understanding Java Reflection, AccessFlag, and modifiers.

1. JVM Access Flags

Java Virtual Machine (JVM) uses access flags to determine the visibility and accessibility of classes, methods, and fields. These flags are represented as a set of bit values in the class file and include:

  • ACC_PUBLIC: Indicates that the class, method, or field is accessible from anywhere.
  • ACC_PRIVATE: Indicates that the class, method, or field is only accessible within its class.
  • ACC_PROTECTED: Indicates that the class, method, or field is accessible within its package and by subclasses.
  • ACC_STATIC: Indicates that the method or field is static.
  • ACC_FINAL: Indicates that the method cannot be overridden, or the field cannot be modified.

2. AccessFlag for Modifiers

The AccessFlag in Java is a utility that provides a way to check the modifiers of classes and their members using bitwise operations. By using these flags, developers can easily determine the accessibility and other properties of classes, methods, and fields. In Java Reflection, two key methods are often used to retrieve modifiers:

  • getModifiers(): This method is defined in the java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject class and returns an integer representing the modifiers for a class or member.
  • accessFlags(): This method is part of the AccessFlag utility and is used to extract specific flags from the modifiers.

While getModifiers() returns the complete set of modifiers, accessFlags() can be used to isolate specific flags for more granular checks.

3. Code Example

To gain a clearer understanding of Java reflection and access flag modifiers, let’s examine the code below.

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;

public class AccessFlagExample {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
      // Getting the Method object for the sample method
      Method method = AccessFlagExample.class.getMethod("sampleMethod");

      // Getting modifiers using getModifiers()
      int modifiers = method.getModifiers();
      System.out.println("Modifiers: " + modifiers);

      // Checking if the method is public
      boolean isPublic = Modifier.isPublic(modifiers);
      System.out.println("Is Public: " + isPublic);

      // Checking if the method is private
      boolean isPrivate = Modifier.isPrivate(modifiers);
      System.out.println("Is Private: " + isPrivate);

      // Checking if the method is protected
      boolean isProtected = Modifier.isProtected(modifiers);
      System.out.println("Is Protected: " + isProtected);

      // Checking if the method is static
      boolean isStatic = Modifier.isStatic(modifiers);
      System.out.println("Is Static: " + isStatic);

      // Checking if the method is final
      boolean isFinal = Modifier.isFinal(modifiers);
      System.out.println("Is Final: " + isFinal);

      // Demonstration of accessFlags() method
      int accessFlags = accessFlags(modifiers);
      System.out.println("Access Flags: " + accessFlags);

    } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {

  // Simulated accessFlags method to illustrate its functionality
  public static int accessFlags(int modifiers) {
    int accessFlags = 0;

    if (Modifier.isPublic(modifiers)) {
      accessFlags |= Modifier.PUBLIC;
    if (Modifier.isPrivate(modifiers)) {
      accessFlags |= Modifier.PRIVATE;
    if (Modifier.isProtected(modifiers)) {
      accessFlags |= Modifier.PROTECTED;
    if (Modifier.isStatic(modifiers)) {
      accessFlags |= Modifier.STATIC;
    if (Modifier.isFinal(modifiers)) {
      accessFlags |= Modifier.FINAL;

    return accessFlags;

  public static void sampleMethod() {
    // Sample method

3.1 Code Explanation and Output

The code begins by importing the necessary classes from the java.lang.reflect package. Specifically, it imports the Method class, which provides the ability to reflect on methods, and the Modifier class, which allows for checking and interpreting access modifiers.

The AccessFlagExample class is defined, containing the main method where execution starts. The main method employs a try block to handle potential exceptions. Within this block, the code retrieves the Method object for the sampleMethod defined later in the class using the getMethod method.

Next, it calls getModifiers() on the Method object to obtain an integer that represents the method’s access modifiers. This value is printed to the console. The code then checks various access modifiers: it uses Modifier.isPublic() to determine if the method is public, storing the result in the isPublic variable, and prints the result. Similar checks are performed for private (Modifier.isPrivate()), protected (Modifier.isProtected()), static (Modifier.isStatic()), and final (Modifier.isFinal()) modifiers, with each result being printed to the console.

Following these checks, the code demonstrates a custom method called accessFlags(), which is invoked with the modifiers obtained earlier. This method simulates what an accessFlags() method would do by checking specific modifiers and returning an integer representing the access flags. The resulting access flags are printed to the console.

If the specified method cannot be found, a NoSuchMethodException is caught, and the stack trace is printed. The code also defines the accessFlags method, which checks the modifiers and uses bitwise operations to combine flags for public, private, protected, static, and final modifiers. Finally, it includes the definition of a simple sampleMethod, which serves as a method for reflection.

3.1.1 Code Output

When we run the above code, the following output will be shown on the IDE console:

Modifiers: 1
Is Public: true
Is Private: false
Is Protected: false
Is Static: false
Is Final: false
Access Flags: 1

4. Conclusion

Understanding and utilizing access flags in Java Reflection allows developers to create more flexible and dynamic applications. By leveraging the getModifiers() method and the Modifier utility class, developers can easily determine the accessibility and properties of classes, methods, and fields at runtime. This capability is particularly valuable in frameworks, libraries, and applications that require runtime type inspection and dynamic behavior. The AccessFlag utility enhances this by providing a clear way to check specific modifiers, making it easier to enforce access control and modify behavior based on the context. Overall, mastering these concepts not only enriches a developer’s toolkit but also fosters better software design and implementation practices.

Yatin Batra

An experience full-stack engineer well versed with Core Java, Spring/Springboot, MVC, Security, AOP, Frontend (Angular & React), and cloud technologies (such as AWS, GCP, Jenkins, Docker, K8).
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