Enterprise Java

Fix IllegalStateException Blocking

When working with reactive programming in Java, especially using Spring WebFlux, developers may encounter the java.lang.IllegalStateException indicating that methods like block(), blockFirst(), and blockLast() are blocking operations. This issue typically arises when reactive streams, which are designed for non-blocking, asynchronous processing, are inadvertently used in a blocking manner. Understanding and resolving this exception is crucial for maintaining the efficiency and scalability of a reactive application. Let’s explore how to fix java.lang.IllegalStateException blocking issues in your Java application.

1. Spring WebFlux Threading Model

Spring WebFlux is designed to support reactive programming with non-blocking I/O. The key to its performance and scalability lies in its threading model:

  • Non-blocking I/O: Spring WebFlux utilizes non-blocking I/O operations, allowing it to handle many concurrent connections efficiently. This is different from the traditional Servlet-based approach, which relies on blocking I/O.
  • Event Loop Model: WebFlux often runs on an event-loop model, where a small number of threads handle a large number of tasks. This model is supported by frameworks like Netty, which is commonly used with WebFlux.
  • Reactive Streams: WebFlux uses reactive streams to manage data flow and backpressure. This model allows for asynchronous data processing and avoids blocking threads.

Understanding this threading model is essential for diagnosing and fixing issues related to blocking operations.

2. Understanding IllegalStateException With Thread Blocking

The IllegalStateException related to blocking methods generally indicates that a blocking call is being made on a thread that’s expected to be non-blocking. Methods like block(), blockFirst(), and blockLast() are designed to convert asynchronous streams to synchronous ones, which can lead to blocking if used improperly. Here’s a brief explanation of these methods:

  • block(): Waits for the completion of the entire reactive stream and returns the single element. This method is used when you expect a single item to be emitted by the stream. If the stream completes without emitting any items, block() will return null. This method should be avoided in a non-blocking context as it can halt the processing of the reactive stream.
  • blockFirst(): Blocks the current thread until the first element of the stream is available and returns that element. If the stream is empty, it will return null. This method is useful for scenarios where you only need the first item from a stream, but it should be used cautiously in reactive pipelines to avoid blocking the event loop.
  • blockLast(): Blocks the current thread until the last element of the stream is available and returns that element. If the stream is empty, it will return null. This method is typically used when you need to retrieve the last item of the stream after it has been completed. However, it can be problematic in reactive contexts because it waits for the entire stream to complete.

In a reactive context, invoking these methods on a non-blocking thread violates the principles of reactive programming and can lead to performance bottlenecks or deadlocks.

2.1 Solution

To resolve this issue, you need to ensure that blocking operations are avoided in reactive pipelines. Here are some strategies:

  • Avoid Blocking Calls: Replace block(), blockFirst(), and blockLast() with asynchronous operators provided by reactive streams. Use operators like subscribe(), flatMap(), or map() to handle data asynchronously.
  • Use Blocking Calls in Proper Contexts: If you must use blocking calls, ensure they are done in appropriate contexts. For instance, you might use them in a separate thread pool designed for blocking operations, rather than on the main event loop.
  • Refactor Code: Review your code to ensure that reactive streams are processed in a non-blocking manner. This might involve refactoring parts of your application to better adhere to reactive principles.

3. Code Example and Breakdown

Here is the Maven dependency you can include for using Reactor and Flux in your project.

    <!-- Reactor Core for Reactive Streams -->

    <!-- Optional: Spring WebFlux Dependency -->
  • Reactor Core is needed to work with Flux, Mono, and other reactive types.
  • Spring WebFlux is optional and only required if you’re building a reactive web application using Spring.

Make sure to adjust the version if needed to match your project’s compatibility.

3.1 Problematic Code

import reactor.core.publisher.Flux;

public class BlockingExample {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Flux < String > flux = Flux.just("A", "B", "C");

    // Problematic blocking call
    String result = flux.blockFirst();

In this example, blockFirst() is used to synchronously get the first element of the Flux. This blocks the thread and is not recommended in a reactive pipeline.

3.1.1 Output

In this example, the Flux emits the elements “A”, “B”, and “C”. The blockFirst() method returns “A”, which is the first element. The output of the program is “A”, printed to the console.


3.2 Solution

import reactor.core.publisher.Flux;

public class NonBlockingExample {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Flux < String > flux = Flux.just("A", "B", "C");

    // Properly handling data in a non-blocking manner
    flux.subscribe(element -> {

In the revised example, subscribe() is used to asynchronously process each element of the Flux. This approach maintains the non-blocking nature of the reactive stream.

3.2.1 Output

In this example, the Flux emits the elements “A”, “B”, and “C”. The subscribe() method will handle each element in a non-blocking manner and print them one by one. The output of the program is each element of the Flux printed on a new line: “A”, “B”, “C”.


4. Conclusion

Handling java.lang.IllegalStateException related to blocking operations in Spring WebFlux involves understanding and adhering to the principles of reactive programming. By avoiding blocking calls and utilizing asynchronous operators, you can ensure that your application leverages the full potential of non-blocking I/O and reactive streams. Properly managing these aspects not only resolves exceptions but also enhances the performance and scalability of your reactive applications.

Yatin Batra

An experience full-stack engineer well versed with Core Java, Spring/Springboot, MVC, Security, AOP, Frontend (Angular & React), and cloud technologies (such as AWS, GCP, Jenkins, Docker, K8).
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