Core Java

Get Classpath from Classloader in Java

Java is a powerful and versatile programming language, widely used in various domains ranging from mobile application development to enterprise systems. At the heart of Java’s architecture is the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which is responsible for running Java programs. A crucial part of the JVM is its ability to load classes at runtime, and this task is handled by the ClassLoader.

A classLoader is a part of the JVM responsible for dynamically loading classes and resources when needed, during the execution of a Java application. It is an essential mechanism that makes Java’s dynamic loading of classes possible. The ClassLoader relies on the classpath to know where to search for the classes and resources that it needs to load.

Let us delve to understand how the Java ClassLoader can get the classpath and the role it plays in dynamically loading classes during runtime.

1. ClassLoaders and Classpath

The concept of the classpath is critical in Java programming. It essentially refers to a parameter that the JVM uses to locate classes and resources during runtime. The classpath can be specified in multiple ways, such as through command-line arguments or environment variables. Without a proper classpath, the JVM would not know where to find the classes it needs to execute your program.

The classpath is a collection of directories, JAR files, or other resources that the JVM searches when trying to load a class. In a typical development environment, the classpath is set by the developer, either manually or automatically by the build tools (like Maven, Gradle, or Ant).

Java’s ClassLoader plays an integral role in this process. It is the mechanism responsible for finding and loading these classes from the classpath. The ClassLoader operates by querying the classpath for the required classes and loading them into the JVM at runtime. Understanding how the ClassLoader interacts with the classpath is essential for building robust Java applications.

The relationship between ClassLoader and classpath is particularly important when dealing with custom ClassLoaders or running Java applications in different environments (e.g., server-side applications, cloud-based platforms, or mobile applications). The classpath can change depending on the environment, and the ClassLoader adapts to those changes.

2. Common Types of ClassLoaders

Java provides a range of ClassLoaders that handle class loading from different sources. Each ClassLoader serves
a specific purpose and is used depending on the type of class loading required. Let’s explore the most common types of ClassLoaders in Java:

2.1 Bootstrap ClassLoader

The Bootstrap ClassLoader is the parent of all ClassLoaders in Java. It is responsible for loading the core Java classes that are part of the Java runtime environment. These classes are typically stored in the rt.jar file or equivalent in the JDK. The Bootstrap ClassLoader is part of the JVM, and you cannot instantiate it directly in your code.

Classes loaded by the Bootstrap ClassLoader include fundamental libraries such as java.lang.*, java.util.*, and many others that are essential for running a Java application.

2.2 Extension ClassLoader

The Extension ClassLoader is responsible for loading classes from the lib/ext directory or other directories specified by the java.ext.dirs system property. The Extension ClassLoader extends the functionality of the Bootstrap ClassLoader and provides a way to load optional packages that are not part of the core Java runtime.

This ClassLoader is primarily used for loading extensions and libraries that are not bundled with the core Java runtime but are still required for specific Java applications or functionalities.

2.3 System ClassLoader

The System ClassLoader is the ClassLoader that loads classes from the classpath specified by the CLASSPATH environment variable or from the classpath provided to the JVM during program execution. This ClassLoader is the most commonly used one for loading application classes and resources.

The System ClassLoader can be influenced by the java.class.path system property, which points to the directories or JAR files that are included in the classpath for the Java application. This is where application libraries and user-defined classes typically reside.

2.4 Custom ClassLoader

Sometimes, the default ClassLoaders may not be sufficient for specific use cases. For example, when classes need to be loaded from a remote server or a custom location, you can implement your own ClassLoader. A Custom ClassLoader allows you to define your mechanism for locating and loading classes.

Custom ClassLoaders can be used to load classes from databases, file systems, or even over the network. For instance, when implementing a plugin system or when running an application in a dynamic environment where classes are updated or loaded at runtime, a custom ClassLoader might be necessary.

3. Obtaining the Classpath From a ClassLoader

Retrieving the class path from a ClassLoader can be particularly useful for debugging and diagnosing class loading issues. When you need to determine where the JVM is loading your classes from, you can access the classpath through the ClassLoader. One of the most common ways to do this is by using the URLClassLoader class, which is a subclass of ClassLoader that supports loading classes and resources from URLs.

The following example demonstrates how to obtain the classpath from the current thread’s context ClassLoader. This is especially useful when you want to know the locations where the classes for your application are being loaded from during runtime:

public class ClasspathExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Get the ClassLoader of the current thread
        ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
        // Check if the ClassLoader is an instance of URLClassLoader
        if (classLoader instanceof URLClassLoader) {
            URL[] classpath = ((URLClassLoader) classLoader).getURLs();
            for (URL url : classpath) {
        } else {
            System.out.println("The current ClassLoader is not an instance of URLClassLoader.");

3.1 Code explanation and output

  • Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(): This method retrieves the ClassLoader associated with the current thread. This is commonly used in multi-threaded applications where different threads may have different ClassLoaders.
  • URLClassLoader: The URLClassLoader class is specifically used to load classes and resources from URL locations. By casting the ClassLoader to a URLClassLoader, we gain access to its getURLs() method, which returns an array of URLs representing the locations of loaded resources.
  • getURLs(): The getURLs() method of the URLClassLoader returns an array of URLs that represent the locations of the classpath entries. These are the places where the JVM is currently searching for classes.

The output of the program will list the URLs where classes and resources are being loaded from.

file:/C:/Program Files/Java/jdk-14/lib/rt.jar

Each URL corresponds to a location in the file system or classpath where the ClassLoader is searching for classes. This information can help developers troubleshoot class loading issues or understand how classpath is configured in their environment.

4. Custom ClassLoader

Let’s explore how to create a simple custom ClassLoader and retrieve its classpath. This example demonstrates how a custom ClassLoader can be implemented to load classes from a specific directory:

public class CustomClassLoaderExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        // Define the directory where your classes are located
        File classDir = new File("path/to/your/classes");
        // Convert the directory to a URL
        URL classDirURL = classDir.toURI().toURL();
        // Create a custom ClassLoader
        URLClassLoader customClassLoader = new URLClassLoader(new URL[] { classDirURL });
        // Load a class from the custom ClassLoader
        Class<?> loadedClass = customClassLoader.loadClass("com.example.MyClass");
        System.out.println("Class loaded: " + loadedClass.getName());
        // Print the URLs in the custom ClassLoader's classpath
        URL[] classpath = customClassLoader.getURLs();
        System.out.println("Classpath of custom ClassLoader:");
        for (URL url : classpath) {

4.1 Code explanation and output

The code begins with the definition of a class named CustomClassLoaderExample with a main method. The main method starts by defining the directory where the classes are located. This directory is represented by a File object named classDir, which points to the path "path/to/your/classes". This is where your custom class files are expected to reside.

Next, the classDir is converted to a URL using the toURI().toURL() method. This conversion is necessary because Java’s URLClassLoader requires URLs to load classes, and the class files in the directory need to be accessed via URLs. The resulting URL object is stored in the variable classDirURL.

After the directory URL is created, a custom ClassLoader is instantiated using URLClassLoader, passing the classDirURL as an array to the constructor. This custom ClassLoader, named customClassLoader, is now responsible for loading classes from the specified directory.

The code then demonstrates how to load a class using this custom ClassLoader. The method loadClass is called on the customClassLoader object, specifying the fully qualified name of the class to load (in this case, "com.example.MyClass"). The loaded class is stored in the variable loadedClass.

After the class is loaded, the program prints the name of the loaded class to the console using System.out.println() along with the method getName() from the Class object. This prints the name of the class that was loaded from the custom ClassLoader.

Finally, the code retrieves and prints the classpath associated with the customClassLoader. The method getURLs() returns an array of URLs that represent the locations where the ClassLoader is searching for classes. These URLs are then printed one by one using a for loop, displaying the classpath used by the custom ClassLoader to load classes.

The output of the program:

Class loaded: com.example.MyClass
Classpath of custom ClassLoader:

5. Conclusion

The ClassLoader is a crucial part of the Java runtime environment, enabling the dynamic loading of classes and resources. Understanding how ClassLoaders interact with the classpath is vital for debugging, troubleshooting, and configuring Java applications correctly. Whether you are dealing with built-in ClassLoaders like Bootstrap or System ClassLoader, or implementing a custom ClassLoader, knowing how to retrieve and manage the classpath can greatly improve your ability to develop and maintain Java applications.

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Yatin Batra

An experience full-stack engineer well versed with Core Java, Spring/Springboot, MVC, Security, AOP, Frontend (Angular & React), and cloud technologies (such as AWS, GCP, Jenkins, Docker, K8).
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