Enterprise Java


In JPA (Java Persistence API), managing polymorphic queries involving inheritance hierarchies is a crucial aspect. When working with such queries, developers might need to convert between different types within an inheritance hierarchy. JPA offers two mechanisms for this: CAST and TREAT. While both serve a similar purpose, they are used in different contexts and have different implications. Let us delve into understanding the differences between JPA CAST vs TREAT and explore how each is used in various scenarios within JPA queries.

1. CAST in Spring JPA

The CAST function in JPA is used to explicitly cast a field to another type in JPQL queries. However, JPA does not natively support CAST as you would find in SQL, where you can cast values like string to integer, etc. Instead, CAST is typically handled through database-specific functions or by relying on native queries when dealing with JPA. In other words, it is used for type conversion, mostly supported via native SQL functions. It is often database-specific and less common in pure JPA.

1.1 Example of CAST using Native Query

Let’s take a look at the following code:

public class EmployeeService {

    private EntityManager entityManager;

    public List<String> getSalaryAsString() {
        String query = "SELECT CAST(e.salary AS CHAR) FROM Employee e";
        List<String> result = entityManager.createNativeQuery(query).getResultList();
        return result;

    public void saveEmployee(Employee employee) {

1.1.1 Code Explanation

The EmployeeService class is annotated with @Service, indicating that it is a Spring service component responsible for handling the business logic related to the Employee entity. This class manages database interactions using JPA’s EntityManager.

The EntityManager is injected into the class using the @PersistenceContext annotation, which allows the class to communicate with the underlying database and perform operations such as queries and persistence.

The getSalaryAsString method is annotated with @Transactional, which ensures that the method executes within a transactional context. Inside this method, a native SQL query is executed using entityManager.createNativeQuery. The query, "SELECT CAST(e.salary AS CHAR) FROM Employee e", selects the salary field from the Employee table and casts it to a string (CHAR in SQL). The result of the query is a list of strings, which is returned by the method.

The saveEmployee method is also marked as @Transactional, ensuring that the process of saving an Employee entity is managed within a transaction. This method uses the entityManager.persist method to save a new Employee entity to the database.

In summary, the EmployeeService class provides two main functionalities: retrieving employee salaries as strings using a native SQL query and saving new employee records to the database. The use of @Transactional ensures that both database operations are properly managed within a transactional context.


The TREAT, function in JPA is used to treat a polymorphic entity as if it were a subclass. This is useful when working with inheritance, where a base entity might have several subclasses, and you need to query or access properties of a specific subclass in JPQL or the Criteria API. In other words, it allows querying subclasses in an inheritance hierarchy, making it more suitable for polymorphism in JPA.

2.1 Example of TREAT in JPQL

Let’s take a look at the following code:

public class EmployeeService {

    private EntityManager entityManager;

    public List<Employee> getManagersWithBonus() {
        String jpql = "SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE TREAT(e AS Manager).bonus IS NOT NULL";
        List<Employee> result = entityManager.createQuery(jpql, Employee.class).getResultList();
        return result;

    public void saveEmployee(Employee employee) {

2.1.1 Code Explanation

The EmployeeService class is annotated with @Service, indicating that it is a Spring-managed service responsible for handling business logic related to the Employee entity. The class interacts with the database through JPA using the EntityManager, which is injected via the @PersistenceContext annotation. This allows the service to perform CRUD operations on the underlying entities.

The getManagersWithBonus method is annotated with @Transactional, ensuring that the method is executed within a transaction. In this method, a JPQL query is constructed to retrieve all employees who are treated as instances of the subclass Manager and have a non-null bonus field. The query uses the TREAT function, which allows treating polymorphic entities in an inheritance hierarchy as specific subclasses. The query results, a list of employees who meet the criteria, are returned as the result.

The saveEmployee method, also annotated with @Transactional, is responsible for persisting an Employee object into the database. It uses the entityManager.persist() method to save the provided employee (which could be an instance of Employee or any subclass such as Manager) into the database.

Overall, this service provides two key functionalities: querying employees who are treated as managers with a non-null bonus and persisting employee entities in the database. The use of the TREAT function in the JPQL query allows handling inheritance hierarchies in a type-safe manner, while the @Transactional annotation ensures that the database operations are managed in a consistent transactional context.

3. Exception Handling

Using CAST or TREAT incorrectly can lead to exceptions such as ClassCastException, IllegalArgumentException, or even PersistenceException. These exceptions often arise when the type hierarchy is not respected or when fields specific to subclasses are accessed without ensuring that the entity being queried belongs to that subclass.

For example, consider a situation where you are treating an Employee as a Manager using the TREAT function. If the Employee entity does not belong to the Manager subclass, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown at runtime because the type conversion is not valid within the inheritance hierarchy.

3.1 Example of Incorrect Use Leading to Exception

// JPQL query that treats an Employee as a Manager
String jpql = "SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE TREAT(e AS Manager).bonus IS NOT NULL";
List<Employee> result = entityManager.createQuery(jpql, Employee.class).getResultList();

// If 'e' is not an instance of Manager, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown

In this case, if the Employee entity being queried is not a Manager, attempting to treat it as one will cause an IllegalArgumentException. This is because JPA will not be able to resolve the subclass field bonus in entities that do not belong to the Manager class.

To avoid exceptions, it is essential to ensure that the entity being treated belongs to the subclass. For example, before using TREAT, verify that the Employee in the query is indeed an instance of Manager and has access to the bonus field.

// Assuming we are dealing with a correct inheritance structure where some Employees are Managers
String jpql = "SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE TREAT(e AS Manager).bonus IS NOT NULL";
List<Employee> result = entityManager.createQuery(jpql, Employee.class).getResultList();

// This will work fine as long as 'e' is indeed an instance of Manager where bonus is a valid field

3.2 Handling Cast Exceptions

Similarly, when using CAST in native queries, incorrect conversions can lead to runtime errors. For example, trying to cast an incompatible field (e.g., a string to a numeric type) will result in a ClassCastException or database-specific exceptions depending on the underlying SQL database.

// Attempting to cast a text field to an integer (will fail if incompatible)
String query = "SELECT CAST(e.name AS INTEGER) FROM Employee e";
List<Integer> result = entityManager.createNativeQuery(query).getResultList();

// This will likely throw a ClassCastException or database-specific exception, as the name cannot be cast to an integer

In this example, attempting to cast a text-based field (such as name) to an incompatible type (such as INTEGER) results in an error. To prevent this, ensure that the fields being cast are compatible with the target type.

4. Criteria API

Both CAST and TREAT are available in the Criteria API as well. Here is how you would use TREAT in the Criteria API:

import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import javax.persistence.*;
import javax.transaction.Transactional;
import javax.persistence.criteria.*;
import java.util.List;

public class EmployeeService {

    private EntityManager entityManager;

    // Method using CAST in Criteria API (native SQL query workaround)
    public List<String> getCastedSalaryAsString() {
        // Native SQL query to CAST salary to CHAR
        String query = "SELECT CAST(e.salary AS CHAR) FROM Employee e";
        List<String> result = entityManager.createNativeQuery(query).getResultList();
        return result;

    // Method using TREAT in Criteria API
    public List<Employee> getManagersWithBonus() {
        // Using Criteria API to create a query
        CriteriaBuilder cb = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
        CriteriaQuery<Employee> query = cb.createQuery(Employee.class);
        Root<Employee> employee = query.from(Employee.class);

        // TREAT Employee as Manager to access Manager-specific fields
             .where(cb.isNotNull(cb.treat(employee, Manager.class).get("bonus")));

        List<Employee> result = entityManager.createQuery(query).getResultList();
        return result;

4.1 Code Explanation

The EmployeeService class is annotated with @Service, marking it as a Spring service component responsible for managing the business logic related to the Employee entity. It interacts with the database using JPA through the EntityManager, which is injected using the @PersistenceContext annotation. This allows the class to manage database operations such as querying and persisting entities.

The getCastedSalaryAsString method is annotated with @Transactional, ensuring that the method runs within a transaction. This method demonstrates the use of a native SQL query in JPA where the CAST function is applied to the salary field of the Employee table, casting it to a string (or CHAR). The query, executed using the entityManager.createNativeQuery() method, retrieves a list of salaries as strings from the database and returns the result. This is necessary because the JPA Criteria API does not nativelysupport the CAST operation, so the workaround involves executing a native SQL query.

The getManagersWithBonus method, also annotated with @Transactional, uses the JPA Criteria API to query the database for employees that are treated as instances of the Manager subclass. The method begins by obtaining a CriteriaBuilder from the EntityManager to build the query. It then selects all employees and uses the TREAT function to treat each Employee entity as a Manager, allowing access to fields specific to the Manager subclass, such as the bonus. The query filters results where the bonus field is not null, returning only employees who are indeed managers with a bonus. The list of such employees is then retrieved and returned.

Overall, this class showcases two distinct use cases: the first involves using native SQL queries to perform operations like CAST, which are not directly supported in JPQL or the Criteria API, while the second demonstrates the power of the Criteria API in handling polymorphic queries using the TREAT function for inheritance hierarchies.

5. Conclusion

Understanding the difference between CAST and TREAT is essential when working with inheritance hierarchies in JPA. CAST is useful when dealing with native queries and database-specific type conversion, whereas TREAT provides a more polymorphism-friendly way to handle subclassing in JPA. Knowing when and how to use these functions will help you write more efficient and maintainable JPA queries.

Yatin Batra

An experience full-stack engineer well versed with Core Java, Spring/Springboot, MVC, Security, AOP, Frontend (Angular & React), and cloud technologies (such as AWS, GCP, Jenkins, Docker, K8).
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