Core Java

JUnit AutoClose Extension Tutorial

Junit 5 has brought numerous enhancements and new features to the table, making unit testing more powerful and flexible. One of these features is the ability to create custom extensions that allow developers to encapsulate reusable code and apply it across multiple tests. The @AutoClose extension is one such feature that simplifies resource management in tests by automatically closing resources at the end of the test execution. Follow along our AutoClose extension tutorial.

1. The @AutoClose Extension

The @AutoClose extension is a custom JUnit 5 extension designed to automatically close resources when a test or test class is done executing. This is particularly useful when dealing with resources that need to be explicitly closed, such as files, streams, or database connections. Without this extension, you would have to manually close these resources in a @AfterEach or @AfterAll method, which can lead to repetitive code and the potential for errors.

By annotating a resource with @AutoClose, JUnit 5 ensures that the resource is closed at the appropriate time, reducing boilerplate code and improving the readability of your tests.

1.1 Code Example

package com.test;

import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtendWith;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.AfterEachCallback;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtensionContext;

class AutoCloseExtension implements AfterEachCallback {

  public void afterEach(ExtensionContext context) throws Exception {
    context.getTestInstance().ifPresent(instance -> {
      for (var field: instance.getClass().getDeclaredFields()) {
        if (field.isAnnotationPresent(AutoClose.class)) {
          try {
            Object resource = field.get(instance);
            if (resource instanceof AutoCloseable) {
              ((AutoCloseable) resource).close();
          } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

@interface AutoClose {}

class AutoCloseTest {

  private BufferedReader reader;

  void testResourceHandling() throws IOException {
    reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("testfile.txt"));
    String line = reader.readLine();

1.1.1 Code Breakdown

The code defines a:

  • AutoCloseExtension: This class implements the AfterEachCallback interface, which is a JUnit 5 callback that is triggered after each test method is executed. The afterEach method iterates over the fields of the test instance, checks if they are annotated with @AutoClose, and closes them if they are AutoCloseable.
  • @AutoClose Annotation: This is a custom annotation that you can apply to fields in your test class. When a field is annotated with @AutoClose, the extension will automatically close it after the test method completes. This annotation is retained at runtime and target fields.
  • AutoCloseTest Class: This is a sample test class that uses the @AutoClose extension. It has a BufferedReader field annotated with @AutoClose. In the testResourceHandling method, the reader is used to read from a file, and after the test completes, the reader is automatically closed by the extension.

1.1.2 Code Output

For example, the testfile.txt contains:

Hello, JUnit 5!
This is a test file.

The output will be:

Hello, JUnit 5!

After the test method (testResourceHandling) completes, the BufferedReader will be automatically closed by the @AutoClose extension. There won’t be any visible output for the resource closure, but it ensures that no resource leaks occur.

1.2 Benefits

  • Reduces Boilerplate Code: Automatically closing resources eliminates the need for repetitive cleanup code, making your tests more concise.
  • Prevents Resource Leaks: Ensures that resources like files, streams, or connections are properly closed after test execution, minimizing the risk of memory leaks or other resource-related issues.
  • Improves Test Readability: By handling resource management automatically, tests become cleaner and easier to understand, focusing on the actual test logic rather than resource management.
  • Promotes Better Testing Practices: Encourages the use of best practices in resource management by enforcing automatic closure of resources, reducing the likelihood of errors.
  • Flexible and Easy to Use: This can be easily applied to any field in a test class, allowing for consistent and hassle-free resource management across multiple tests.

1.3 Disadvantages

  • Limited to AutoCloseable Resources: Only works with resources that implement the AutoCloseable interface, which might limit its applicability in some scenarios.
  • Potential for Hidden Errors: Automatically closing resources might hide errors related to improper resource management, making it harder to debug issues related to resource handling.
  • Less Control: Developers might have less control over when and how resources are closed, which could be an issue in more complex test setups.
  • Dependency on Custom Extensions: This relies on a custom extension, which could introduce maintenance overhead or compatibility issues if not properly managed.
  • Learning Curve: Developers unfamiliar with JUnit 5 extensions might need time to understand and correctly implement the @AutoClose extension.

2. Conclusion

The @AutoClose extension in JUnit 5 is a powerful tool that simplifies resource management in tests. By automatically closing resources after test execution, it reduces boilerplate code and minimizes the risk of resource leaks.

Yatin Batra

An experience full-stack engineer well versed with Core Java, Spring/Springboot, MVC, Security, AOP, Frontend (Angular & React), and cloud technologies (such as AWS, GCP, Jenkins, Docker, K8).
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