Core Java

Persisting UUIDs in Postgres with JPA

UUIDs are powerful tools for ensuring unique identification in distributed systems. This article explores how to use Spring JPA with Postgres for persisting UUIDs. Let us delve into understanding the setup, configuration, and testing of a Spring Boot application that seamlessly integrates UUIDs as database identifiers in a scalable manner.

1. Overview

1.1 What are UUIDs?

Universally Unique Identifiers (UUIDs) are 128-bit identifiers widely used for ensuring the uniqueness of data in distributed systems. UUIDs are designed to be unique across both space and time, which makes them highly reliable for use in distributed environments where multiple systems may be generating IDs independently. Unlike incremental IDs, which are prone to conflicts in multi-node setups or require a central authority to maintain consistency, UUIDs can be generated locally without any coordination. This decentralized generation capability ensures that UUIDs are not only unique but also highly scalable, making them ideal for use cases such as database keys, API tokens, and identifiers in microservices architectures.

UUIDs also provide a degree of security in certain scenarios. Because they are not sequential, UUIDs are harder to predict than traditional auto-incremented IDs, which can be an added benefit in scenarios where ID predictability might pose a risk. Additionally, UUIDs are standardized and supported across various programming languages and database systems, making them a versatile choice for cross-platform applications.

While UUIDs are powerful, their usage comes with trade-offs. Their larger size compared to integers (16 bytes vs. 4 or 8 bytes) can impact storage and indexing performance, especially in large datasets. However, modern databases like PostgreSQL offer optimizations for UUID handling, and the benefits of uniqueness and decentralization often outweigh the performance costs in most applications.

1.2 What is Spring JPA?

Spring JPA (Java Persistence API) simplifies database interaction in Java applications by abstracting SQL complexities and allowing developers to focus on the business logic rather than the intricacies of database communication. It provides a seamless integration with Hibernate, the most widely used implementation of JPA, enabling robust Object-Relational Mapping (ORM). This abstraction layer ensures that developers can work with Java objects instead of directly dealing with SQL queries, making applications more maintainable and reducing the likelihood of errors in query syntax.

By integrating UUIDs with JPA, developers can ensure globally unique identifiers for database entities without relying on a centralized mechanism for ID generation. This is particularly useful in distributed systems or microservices architectures, where entities may be created across multiple nodes or instances. UUIDs eliminate the risk of ID collisions and provide a scalable solution for managing entity identifiers.

Additionally, Spring JPA supports custom ID generation strategies, allowing developers to specify UUID as the primary key type. This integration works seamlessly with databases like PostgreSQL, which have native support for UUIDs, providing efficient storage and querying capabilities. Combined with features such as automatic schema generation and entity validation, using UUIDs with Spring JPA not only simplifies development but also ensures data integrity and uniqueness in complex systems.

Moreover, the ability to configure UUIDs with annotations like @GeneratedValue and @Id in JPA enables a declarative programming style, reducing boilerplate code and enhancing readability. This makes it easier for teams to adopt and implement UUID-based identifiers across large-scale projects with minimal effort.

2. Code Example

PostgreSQL is a powerful, open-source object-relational database system. Setting up PostgreSQL with Docker ensures a quick and clean environment for development and testing.

# Pull the PostgreSQL Docker image
docker pull postgres:latest
# Run PostgreSQL container
docker run --name postgres-uuid-demo -e POSTGRES_USER=admin -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=admin -e POSTGRES_DB=uuid_demo -p 5432:5432 -d postgres

This will set up a PostgreSQL instance accessible at localhost:5432 with the database name uuid_demo, username admin, and password admin.

3. Spring Boot Application to Configure JPA for UUIDs

In a Spring Boot application, you can configure JPA to handle UUIDs effortlessly. Below is the step-by-step guide:

3.1 Project Dependencies

To enable the integration of Spring JPA with PostgreSQL in a Spring Boot application, you need to add the necessary dependencies in your pom.xml file if you’re using Maven as your build tool.

  • The first dependency, spring-boot-starter-data-jpa, provides all the essential components of the Spring Data JPA library. It includes features such as repositories, entity management, and a powerful abstraction over ORM tools like Hibernate. This simplifies database operations, allowing developers to work with Java objects instead of writing complex SQL queries.
  • The second dependency, postgresql, is the PostgreSQL driver that enables the application to connect and interact with a PostgreSQL database. Without this dependency, your application would not be able to establish a connection to PostgreSQL, execute queries, or persist data.

Adding these dependencies ensures that your application has all the required tools to persist entities, such as those using UUIDs, in a PostgreSQL database seamlessly. Once configured, JPA will handle the mapping of Java objects to database tables, while PostgreSQL serves as the backend for data storage.

3.2 Entity Configuration

The provided code defines a simple Java class UserEntity that represents an entity in a database. In the context of Spring JPA, an entity is a lightweight Java object that is mapped to a database table. This mapping allows developers to interact with the database using Java objects rather than writing SQL queries directly.

import jakarta.persistence.*;
import java.util.UUID;
public class UserEntity {
    private UUID id;
    private String name;
    // Getters and setters

3.2.1 Code Explanation

The @Entity annotation indicates that this class is a JPA entity and will be managed by the JPA framework. When the application starts, JPA will create or map a corresponding table in the database, typically using the class name (or a custom name if specified using the @Table annotation).

The @Id annotation specifies that the field id is the primary key of the entity. The @GeneratedValue annotation tells JPA to automatically generate a value for this field. Since the type of id is UUID, JPA will use a UUID generation strategy to ensure that each primary key is globally unique.

The name field is a simple string property that will be mapped to a column in the table. Additional annotations can be applied to such fields to customize the column name, constraints, and more.

The class also includes getter and setter methods, which are essential for accessing and modifying the entity’s fields. These methods are required for JPA to work effectively, as it uses them to persist and retrieve data from the database.

3.3 Application Properties

Add the following configuration to the properties file:

# Database configuration
# Hibernate settings for table creation
  • Database Configuration:
    • spring.datasource.url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/uuid_demo: Specifies the JDBC URL for connecting to the PostgreSQL database. Here, the database name is uuid_demo, and the server is running locally on port 5432.
    • spring.datasource.username=admin: Sets the username for authenticating with the PostgreSQL database. In this example, the username is admin.
    • spring.datasource.password=admin: Sets the password for the PostgreSQL user. The password is also admin in this case.
    • spring.jpa.database-platform=org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect: Configures Hibernate to use PostgreSQL as the database platform. This setting ensures that Hibernate generates SQL queries optimized for PostgreSQL.
  • Hibernate Settings for Table Creation:
    • spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=update: Directs Hibernate to automatically update the database schema based on the entity classes. For example, if an entity is added or modified, Hibernate ensures the corresponding table in the database reflects the changes.
    • This setting is particularly useful during development to avoid manually updating the database schema. However, in production, it is often set to validate or none to prevent accidental schema changes.

4. Testing UUID Persistence

Testing is crucial to ensure UUIDs are being correctly persisted and retrieved. The provided code is a test class UserRepositoryTest designed to verify the persistence of a UUID-based entity using Spring Boot’s testing framework. This class leverages Spring’s @SpringBootTest annotation to bootstrap the entire application context, enabling integration tests that include all configured beans, such as the UserRepository.

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest;
import java.util.UUID;
class UserRepositoryTest {
    private UserRepository userRepository;
    void testUuidPersistence() {
        UserEntity user = new UserEntity();
        user.setName("John Doe");
        user =;

This test ensures that the UUID-based primary key is correctly generated and persisted in the database. It also confirms that the UserRepository functions as expected, allowing seamless storage and retrieval of entities. The integration of JPA with PostgreSQL for UUID handling is thoroughly validated in this example.

4.1 Test Result

The output of the UserRepositoryTest test class will vary depending on the test framework used (e.g., JUnit) and the state of the application during test execution. If the test passes, the output will look similar to the following:

JUnit Jupiter API
testUuidPersistence(UserRepositoryTest)  PASSED
Test run finished after 1.2 seconds
[INFO] Results:
[INFO]   Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.234 sec
[INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:3.0.0-M5:test (default-test) @ your-project-name ---

In this output the test method testUuidPersistence() passed successfully, indicated by the PASSED status.

If the test were to fail, you would see an error or failure message with details about why the test didn’t pass, such as a mismatch in expected and actual values or issues with the database connection.

5. Conclusion

Persisting UUIDs in PostgreSQL using Spring JPA is a straightforward process that ensures globally unique identifiers for your entities. By setting up PostgreSQL on Docker, configuring JPA for UUID support, and thoroughly testing your implementation, you can leverage the power of UUIDs in your distributed systems. This approach not only improves scalability but also ensures robustness in data handling for modern applications.

Yatin Batra

An experience full-stack engineer well versed with Core Java, Spring/Springboot, MVC, Security, AOP, Frontend (Angular & React), and cloud technologies (such as AWS, GCP, Jenkins, Docker, K8).
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