Core Java

Why Maven Dependency Order Matters

Maven is a widely used build automation tool in Java-based projects. One of the key functionalities of Maven is managing project dependencies, which allows developers to include libraries and frameworks necessary for their code. However, the order in which these dependencies are declared can significantly affect how the project builds and runs. Let us delve into understanding the order of Maven dependencies and how it affects project builds.

1. The Dependency Mechanism

Maven follows a dependency management system that allows projects to declare which external libraries they rely on. Maven downloads these dependencies from a central repository and adds them to the project’s classpath. The pom.xml file is where dependencies are listed. Here’s a simple example of declaring dependencies in a pom.xml file:


Maven handles transitive dependencies by recursively including dependencies of your dependencies. The order of inclusion in the build classpath is generally managed by Maven’s internal algorithm.

2. Dependency Ordering Problems

While Maven tries to manage dependencies automatically, problems arise when:

  • Version conflicts: Two libraries may require different versions of the same dependency.
  • Class conflicts: Multiple dependencies may contain the same class names, leading to issues at runtime.
  • Shadowed dependencies: An earlier dependency may be overridden by a later one, causing unexpected behavior.

These issues can often be resolved by carefully controlling the order in which dependencies are declared. For example, in a situation where two dependencies require different versions of a third-party library, Maven will use the version that appears first in the pom.xml file, which could lead to errors if it’s not the version you intended. Here’s an example of potential conflict:


If both library-a and library-b depend on different versions of the same class, the version that is loaded into your project will depend on the order in which Maven resolves these dependencies.

3. Tools for Resolving Dependency Issues

Maven provides several tools and techniques to help resolve and manage dependency order problems:

  • Dependency Management Section: Use the <dependencyManagement> section in your pom.xml to specify versions of dependencies across all modules in a multi-module project. Using this approach helps to manage the version centrally in the parent project, avoiding duplication across modules. For example:
    <project xmlns=""
        <!-- Dependency Management Section -->
                    <version>2.12.3</version> <!-- Version specified here applies to all child modules -->
        <!-- Child Modules -->
  • Exclusions: You can exclude specific transitive dependencies that might be causing conflicts. For example:
  • Maven Enforcer Plugin: The Maven Enforcer plugin can be used to enforce certain rules, such as preventing version conflicts or enforcing dependency convergence.
  • Effective POM: Running mvn help:effective-pom can help you view how Maven has resolved the final dependency tree for your project. This is particularly useful when debugging complex POM hierarchies or multi-module projects. For example:
    mvn help:effective-pom
  • Dependency Tree: This goal generates a tree of dependencies for the project, showing how dependencies are resolved, including transitive dependencies and conflicts. You can spot version conflicts, missing artifacts, and other issues in the dependency resolution process. For example:
    mvn dependency:tree

4. Conclusion

The order of Maven dependencies plays a crucial role in ensuring that your project builds and runs correctly. Incorrect ordering can lead to version conflicts, runtime errors, and unexpected behaviors due to shadowed dependencies. By understanding the potential problems and utilizing tools like the Maven Enforcer plugin and dependency exclusions, you can avoid many of the common pitfalls associated with Maven dependency management. Properly managing your pom.xml and keeping track of dependency versions is essential for maintaining a stable and reliable project.

Yatin Batra

An experience full-stack engineer well versed with Core Java, Spring/Springboot, MVC, Security, AOP, Frontend (Angular & React), and cloud technologies (such as AWS, GCP, Jenkins, Docker, K8).
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